Dis sideboard NEWS
Accessories, Collaborations, Designers, Materials, New launch, Norwegian Living, Ukategorisert, ygg&lyng collection
Spring 2022 we upgraded the user-friendliness and features of Dis sideboards. They have for a long time served as the smaller siblings
of Dis cabinet, but we thought they deserved to play a bigger role in our collection. Firstly. we added a new size: 160 cm!
A super convenient length that allows for a very symmetrically pleasing facade, and lots of room to meet your storage needs.
This is a warmly welcomed newcomer that many of our customers have asked for!
Dis sideboards have always come with a 41 cm high metal frame, but with the new, longer version we saw the need for a lower
option to make it more relaxed and suitable for lounge areas as well. The sideboards work just as well against a wall as a free standing
piece to divide a room or define a zone in your interior. The new lower frame is 21 cm high and is available for all the sideboards.
If you don’t want the frame to limit the height, or you want the all-wooden look, or maybe you just want hassle-free cleaning with
open floor space? Then you will love the third new feature; the option for wall mounting!
All Dis sideboards now come with removable mounting brackets and wall rail that you can use if you want to or save for later
if you prefer a frame. The small holes on the back wall for the brackets can discreetly be covered up with
metal caps that are included.